British Columbia

Bill McKibben
Greenpeace activists protest in the LNG gas terminal of Fluxys in Zeebrugge, Belgium. (Photo: © Eric De Mildt / Greenpeace)

Sept. 25, 2023

It reminds me a lot of Keystone XL saga, but with perhaps even more at stake.

The great privilege of being a journalist is that you get to ask questions, and people generally answer them, so you find stuff out. And sometimes that stuff is shocking.

Deborah Campbell
Award-winning author Erica Gies: ‘So much of our development has been about subverting water’s natural pathways and habits.’ Photo via Erica Gies website.

Sept. 25, 2023

To withstand drought and deluge, an H2O how-to from Erica Gies, author of ‘Water Always Wins.’ She speaks at UVic on Oct. 3.

Michelle Gamage
‘Because of the way this was handled at the start of the pandemic, masks became the hottest political issue around the pandemic. They should have been introduced as a protective measure, like a seatbelt or bike helmet, not a restrictive measure,’ says Dr. Sanjiv Gandhi. Photo via Shutterstock.

Sept. 25, 2023

‘Roll up your sleeves and roll down the windows.’ The virus is here to stay, but that doesn’t mean we’re any safer. A Tyee Q&A.

Marc Fawcett-Atkinson
For months, Vancouver's road signs have been defaced by conspiracy theorists plastering them with references to conspiracies about 15-minute cities and the World Economic Forum. Photo by Marc Fawcett-Atkinson/National Observer

Sept. 19, 2023

An inside look at the plot to make climate denial mainstream

Efforts by libertarian conspiracy theorists and climate change deniers to block climate initiatives in the Kootenay region of B.C. are threatening to engulf the province as the loose coalition plots ways to expand its ideology.

Information Bulletin BC Government
Coastal GasLink route. Wetʼsuwetʼen territory is in the white square

Sept, 21, 2023

The Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) has issued two administrative penalties totalling $346,000 to Coastal GasLink Pipeline Ltd. (CGL) on Sept. 19, 2023, for non-compliance with requirements of its environmental assessment certificate.

John Woodside
Trudeau at climate summit

Sept. 21, 2023

Speaking at the Climate Ambition Summit in New York City on Wednesday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was grilled for Canada’s massive oil and gas expansion at a time when climate science demands fossil fuels be rapidly phased out.

Michelle Gamage
A supervised injection site in Surrey. ‘Decriminalization is about seeing the harms that the actual system is doing to the individual person,’ says Brittany Graham, executive director of the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users, ‘and addressing those harms at the system level.’ Photo by Jonathan Hayward, the Canadian Press.

Sept. 21, 2023

The recent focus has been on banning drug use in playgrounds and parks. But advocates say that’s a red herring.

Jackie Wong
Conservative activists’ focus on children has been generations in the making, painting a falsely appealing portrait of indignant morality and relatable neighbourliness. hoto via Shutterstock.

Sept. 20, 2023

It’s called the ‘1 Million March 4 Children.’ But who are they really fighting for?


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