Labour - Unions

Ann Garrison
Virtual Slave Labor Supports Congo Cobalt Mines Men are making $1 a day, women 80 cents a day, and their children work in the mines instead of going to school.

Jul 31, 2023

Virtual Slave Labor Supports Congo Cobalt Mines - Men are making $1 a day, women 80 cents a day, and their children work in the mines instead of going to school.

Following is an interview conducted by Ann Garrison with Maurice Carney, Executive Director of Friends of the Congo, about the virtual slave labor in the cobalt mines of the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s cobalt mines.

Markham Hislop
Petroleum can be used for super strong and light carbon fibre, a material key to technologies we’ll need in a low-emissions economy. Photo via Shutterstock.

Jul. 31, 2023

A Better Use for Alberta’s Oil and Gas - Look to the future. Commit the province’s petroleum to making materials for a post-combustion economy?

[Tyee Editor’s note: This piece is drawn from a recently published version on Markham Hislop’s site Energi Media.]

Zak Vescera
The proposed Roberts Bank port expansion would dramatically increase container capacity. Illustration via the Port of Vancouver.

Jul 19, 2023

The union and employers supported the agreement. The workers didn’t.

Dongsheng News, Orinoco Tribune
China confronts the challenges posed by rapid economic development, urbanization, and the migration of recent decades. Dongsheng.

Jul 14, 2023

Alex Cosh
Photo credit: Kelly Sikkema via Unsplash. Licensed under the Unsplash License.

July 11, 2023

The poorest 40 per cent of Canadians control less than three per cent of net wealth.

Data published by Statistics Canada last week show that the gap between rich and poor Canadians is growing at the fastest rate on record.

Primary Author: Mitchell Beer
 Pumpjack - Sanjay Acharya/WikimediaCommons

Attached below this article is a table of how soon the known global reserves of a number of key minerals/elements will be completely depleted at the current rate of exploitation. 

June 27, 2023

The Canadian government must take the lead in protecting Canadians from an inevitable “terminal decline” of the global oil and gas sector, the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) concludes in a detailed analysis released yesterday.

Henry Heller, Canadian Dimension.
Photo: Intersyndicale parading during a demonstration for the defense of public services, Dijon, France, May 22, 2018. Haldu/Wikimedia Commons.

June 29, 2023

In The Face Of Rapidly Increasing Levels Of Exploitation, A Global Awakening Of The Working Class Has Taken Place.

After years of passivity in the face of upper class greed workers have begun to fight back. Recent walkouts in Canada and around the world reflect a pattern of rising participation of workers in strike activity, evident since 2020 as a belated response to years of wage suppression and recent spectacular increases in consumer prices.


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