LNG - Fracking

Lauren McCauley

Solidifying the country's reputation as a "true petrostate," the government of Canada reportedly spent millions of taxpayer dollars on previously undisclosed tar sands lobbying activities, including a concerted push to 'educate' First Nations communities opposed to the toxic drilling projects.

Mario Canseco

VANCOUVER — For the past three years, British Columbians have been unable to evade discussions about energy. At the start of the debate, the focus was placed on the Enbridge Northern Gateway and Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain expansion projects. Now, the implications of the nascent liquefied natural gas industry have become more prevalent, especially for the provincial government.

Michal Rozworski

Since her common-sense quip that most of Canada’s tar sands reserves will have to stay in the ground, Linda McQuaig has been vilified by much of the political establishment and (rightfully) defended by a minority of voices in the media.


CORNER BROOK, N.L. – The general council of one of Canada’s largest churches has voted to drop fossil fuels from its investment portfolios, with advocates for the motion saying the decision is based on the Christian duty to care for the earth.

Commissioners attending the United Church of Canada’s general council in Corner Brook, N.L., voted 67 per cent in favour Tuesday to divest the industry from its treasury assets and to shift the $5.9 million from the portfolio into green renewable energy ventures.

Brent Jang

A new study co-authored by six British Columbia First Nations warns that a proposed terminal for exporting liquefied natural gas on the province’s northern coast poses a threat to salmon habitat in the Skeena River estuary.

The research argues Pacific NorthWest LNG’s planned terminal on Lelu Island will harm Flora Bank, where juvenile salmon are nurtured by eelgrass beds. Flora Bank, a sandy area that is visible at low tide, is next to the proposed LNG site near Prince Rupert.

CBC staff
The Alliance natural gas pipeline runs through northern B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan and several states in the U.S. (Alliance Pipeline)

Alliance Pipeline has shut down a natural gas pipeline in Western Canada after poisonous hydrogen sulphide (H2S) gas got into the system.

The Calgary-based energy company said Friday it has told companies feeding the pipeline to stop while corrective measures are taken.

The shutdown will continue for an "indeterminate amount of time," Alliance said in a news release. 

Alliance said the hydrogen sulphide entered the pipeline in Alberta and was stopped when it reached southeastern Saskatchewan.

Gas to be flared off

Travis Lupick

A group of B.C. environmentalists is about to have its day in court in a high-profile case against the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS).

Beginning in Vancouver on August 12, the Security Intelligence Review Committee (SIRC), an oversight body, will begin hearing a February 2014 complaint that alleges CSIS illegally spied on activists and First Nations people.

Vancouver Observer Staff
The Atco "construction village" in Kitimat's LNG development zone houses 1,500 workers, but only for the construction phase and many of them from out-of-province.

Premier Christy Clark may be touting massive job opportunities with the B.C.-based LNG industry, but the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives has released a "reality check" report that disputes the numbers.
Clark has stated that the LNG industry as a whole would create 100,000 jobs, with 4,500 jobs in the Petronas-backed Pacific NorthWest LNG project alone.

Garth Lenz

Garth Lenz's 2011 TED talk (17.4 minutes), illustrated by striking photographs of the tar sands and northern boreal forest.


'We're blocking pipelines; we're not blocking everyone', Unist’ot’en Camp spokesperson Freda Huson tells RCMP at the Bulkley Valley road "checkpoint."


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