Tenants take back power from landlords through strike action
When Mohamad Khalil Aldroubi heard that his landlord would be increasing the rent by up to 5.5 per cent starting last May, he started knocking on his neighbours’ doors.
Aldroubi’s family has lived at an apartment complex at 71 Thorncliffe Park Dr., Toronto, since 2015. He has five kids. Like him, other tenants at other apartment complexes at 71, 75, and 79 Thorncliffe Park were already struggling to manage previous rate hikes.
A county government in Oregon is suing more than a dozen fossil fuel companies for the costs it incurred in a 2021 heat emergency that killed at least 69 of its residents, in a move that could help prepare the ground for similar legal action in Canada.
A “staggering” number of women and children have become homeless since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Shawn Bayes, executive director of the Elizabeth Fry Society, said the society currently has 113 shelter beds for women and children in its facilities – and that’s not nearly enough to meet the need.
“I would say we turn away probably 40 per cent of the calls we get,” she said.